Domingo 24, 21h: "Concerto na ALJ e 14-Bis com o pai, onde discutimos os nervosismos e aprensões pré-defesa."
Segunda 25, 9h: "Últimos ajustes na apresentação. Quase lá!"
Segunda 25, 14h: "Indo defender um mestrado!"
Segunda 25, 15h30: "Master Whiskas!"
Segunda 25, 20h: "Mais comemoração com os amigos! Pizza ftw!"
Terça 26, 9h30: "Depois de espumante, tequila, vinho e cerveja, é um milagre acordar sem ressaca!"
Terça 26, 12h30: "Almoçar com o pai, depois ajudar o Gilnei com alguns pepinos pra viagem"
Terça 26, 21h30: "Bolinho de patata no Schullas e sinuca depois! \o/ "
Quarta 27, 10h30: "Treino curto, apesar do lindo dia de sol. Muitas errandas para fazer"
Quarta 27, 15h: "Chegando no Campus depois de algumas horas correndo atrás de cartórios, bancos e consulados. Documentação da viagem praticamente pronta! Almoço no Suprem com a 'dêgovada!"
Quarta 27, 16h30: "Reunião com a Sandra. Elogios pós-defesa dos outros membros da banca. Discutindo a implementaçào das poucas correções necessárias no texto"
Quarta 27, 17h30: "Café-da-tarde com Kàzic para discutirmos mais alguns detalhes da viagem"
Quarta 27, 19h30: "Indo pro Zelig para mais comemorações com orientadora e outros professores."
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You'll soon be leaving this town
4 dias para a defesa do Mestrado, 9 dias para o Desafio Transcontinental, e menos de dois meses para a mudança pra Alemanha. Estou mais tranquilo para a defesa do que para a travessia, mas a soma de ambas, além do momento em que esses dois eventos se encaixam, tornam as coisas bem interessantes.
Ainda não surtei, ou pelo menos asim eu penso :)
Our espresso machine is back! No more paying as much as R$ 2.00 for a decent dose of the daily fix.
Outside of the caffeinated beverages, it's a tight match between Leffe, Beck's and Löwenbrau and Finca Flichman and Concha y Toro. Can't wait to learn some different names - soon.
On the healthier side, through a loaded trunk of oranges and tangerines brought from Linha Brasil, I have probably a dozen times more Vitamin C in my body than the recommended daily dosage. Which makes riding in torrential rain a lot less worrisome, and therefore, more fun.
- - -
Come to think of it, life can be quite simple. Eat, work, sleep; take the dog for a walk; go about on a photographic journey downtown, or ride your bike across the continent. As simple as that. Off!
Last Tuesday, I got some interesting piece of news:
Dear Ricardo,
Based on our chat on skype and your CV, I have come to the conclusion that I would like to offer you the PhD position in my group.
With best regards,
Starting in October, I'll be working towards my Ph.D. at the newly formed Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Peter will be my advisor as we tackle some open questions regarding Quantum Information, Computation and Communications.
My dissertation kept me busy for most of the week, as I got back the copies I had sent to Sandra (my advisor), my godmother and a mathematician friend of mine. Corrections throughout, ranging from grammar and orthography to rewriting (or including) entire sections. Last Friday I handed Sandra the latest version, to which I have just received the final minor corrections.
To top it off, I won the first stage of this weekend's "Volta de Caravaggio" (Caravaggio Tour), a 10.5km time trial, thus earning my 4th victory this season. I won by a 9s margin to Cleiton Fadanelli (Acaci/UCS), which proved to be a tad short to hold onto the overall win. On the second stage, an 80km circuit race, Cleiton won an intermediate sprint (worth 3s bonus) and placed second (another 10s time bonus), while I could only manage 5th (no bonus seconds); he ended up taking the win just 4s ahead. Nevertheless, a great result. Here's to the coming week: Cheers!