Ed.: For a translation, read the comment below. (27.12.2010)
As últimas semanas, e por quê não, os últimos anos, tem sido incríveis. Já falei algumas vezes da minha satisfação com o mestrado - que rendeu alguns posts sobre as provas, os seminários, a dissertação, a viagem ao Canadá, etc. Igualmente, no mesmo período, obtive outras conquistas no ciclismo, com diversas vitórias e participações em competições regionais, nacionais e internacionais. O 'Desafio Transcontinental' foi só a cereja no topo de um enorme bolo que tenho tido o prazer de degustar nos últimos tempos.
Me peguei pensando esses dias sobre como eu me posiciono perante todas estas coisas que tenho feito. Em geral, tendo a ser bastante discreto e comento pouco sobre viagens ou outros feitos, mas nem sempre ser modesto parece a melhor opção. Eu faço algumas coisas que são tidas como extraordinárias pela maioria das pessoas comuns. Aplicar a modéstia, nestes casos, pode soar até um tanto ultrajante...
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Neste último final de semana, mal chegado ainda de volta do Chile, eu e a Carol comemoramos nosssa 'despedida' em uma grande festa no sítio em Linha Brasil, regada com 150 litros de chopp da Eisenbahn. Na volta, um baque ao finalmente 'cair a ficha' de que estou viajando em 3 semanas. Tic-tac...
Whiskas' lifestyle
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The last few weeks, and, why not, the last few years, have been simply amazing. I have already discussed my satisfaction with my Masters' - which I've written in posts about the different exams, seminars, colloquiums, my thesis, the conference in Canada, etc. Spanning approximately the same time period, I've managed equally satisfying achievements in cycling, not only winning races, but taking part in regional, national and international competitions. The recently concluded Transcontinental Challenge was just the icing on the top of an enormous - and delicious! - cake I've been having the pleasure of enjoying in recent times.
A few days ago, I caught myself wondering just how exactly I position myself in face of all those things I've been doing. In general, and as much as I can, I try to be discrete and will usually brag very little about my achievements, but that doesn't always seem to be the best option. For all it's worth, I do indeed take part in activities which most people take to be extraordinary - no matter how much I insist they could be done by anyone with enough dedication or perseverance. But, in such cases, being modest may sometimes sound somewhat outrageous or offensive....
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This last weekend, having barely returned from Chile, I threw an incredible farewell party in my family's mountain house in Linha Brasil. 150 liters of German beer and many of my closest friends came to say goodbye to me and Carol, who's also boarding to Germany to begin her Ph.D. studies as well. Driving back home, I was finally taken aback as I realized there are only three more weeks before I move definitively to the other side of the Big Water Pond. Tic, tac, tic, tac....
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